To my knowledge (and the rather credible statements of several 3Com representatives), there are: No undocumented accesses to SS 1000, 1100, 3000,3300. There is one documented access to the CB7000, but that can easily be removed (i.e. -> login in with the magic username and change the password). We did that at our site, as we never ever forgot a password to our equipment (yet). So, what's the hype, the "backdoor" is only for clueless users, not serious companies with a security policy. ----------------------------------------------------- Fatum favet volenti. (anon) ----------------------------------------------------- Remo Pini T: +41 1 350 28 88 Pini Computer Trading N: +41 79 216 15 51 http://www.rpini.com/ Email: rp@rpini.com -----------------------------------------------------