Should you have your business on the WEB? Introducing: The WEB Site that pays YOU! You know the old story. Your ISP promises a free WEB site. You try a personal site and then a great idea comes to you. I can put my business on the WEB! But then the story changes. For commercial use, your ISP wants to charge you a monthly fee. Well, that's OK, you think. But then for a commercial site that represents your business, you want something flashy and professional looking. Don't know how? Never fear - your friendly ISP will be happy to do it for you for a BIG PRICE! Then, every time you want to change something, more money to pay out! People often pay out anywhere from $50 to $thousands to have a WEB site designed for them because they don't know how to do it themselves. They then pay $30 to $100 per month for the ISP to " host" or "maintain" their WEB page. They then get nickled and dimed to death for changes to their own page! We can change all that. We have professional WEB pages that you don't pay a fortune for. They can be made with simple to use, professionally designed templates, that a 6th grader could use! You don't pay a monthly "hosting" fee, you change the messages, graphics, or even the whole look of the site ANYTIME you want, easily, and with no charges. If you want to get fancier, you can, with a direct edit mode. And best of all, this WEB site (with up to 100 pages for YOUR business) PAYS YOU! This WEB site takes the "value added" concept to the internet. Your WEB Site, that promotes YOUR business, is actually a store front to one of the internet's fastest growing virtual malls. When people enter the mall through your storefront and make purchases through their secure payment system, the mall pays YOU a commission. For more information, send E-MAIL to mikef@sbbsonline.com with just the word "webinfo" (without the quotes) in the subject line or visit us at: http://www.wimall.com/skyshop Remember, 99% of all Internet Sites on the Web are just that...SITES!. This website is the first to make money for EVERY owner! If this message offends you, please pardon the intrusion - if you would kindly reply to this message with just the word "remove" in the subject line, you will automatically be removed from this database. Thank you for your time...