Wall Street Journal, 5/3/94: "Our sources agree ... on a number of things: There was most likely a CIA-sponsored Contra operation run out of Mena, as well as a huge parallel cocaine-smuggling operation, money laundering and a Justice Department coverup. Much of this happened on Mr. Clinton's watch as governor." [...] "Mr. Clinton was asked by a state prosecutor for help to pursue the case ... Help was promised but never arrived." [...] "Mena is a perplexing and difficult story. There is a trail - tens of millions of dollars in cocaine profits, and we don't know where it leads. It is a trail that has been blocked by the National Security Council." - letter from Bill Plante, CBS News Correspondent and Michael Singer, Producer, CBS News On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, John Young wrote:
The Washington Post, August 7, 1996, p. A6.
CIA Probed in Alleged Arms Shipments
Reports Claim Agents Involved in Arkansas-Nicaragua Drug Swaps [...]
Clinton has said he had nothing to do with any activities at Mena. "Mena is the darkest backwater of the right wing conspiracy industry," said White House spokesman Mark Fabiani. "The allegations are as bizarre as they are false."