As I remember, Jaron Lanier released a batch of roaches into the wild of Boston with something like a time capsule spliced into their junk DNA. -TD> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:03:37 -0800> From:> To:> Subject: visions of drummers> > a45a7dc351c849&ex=1201323600&pagewanted=print> """> The team also added some DNA segments to the genome to serve as> "watermarks," allowing scientists to distinguish the synthetic genome> from the natural one.> > That raises new possibilities of using microbes as a method of> communication. Dr. Venter said the watermarks contain coded messages.> Sleuths will have to determine the amino acid sequence coded for by> the watermarks, in order to decipher the message. "It's a fun thing> that has a practical application," he said.> """>
i await the paper, "low latency signalling via coded influenza medium:> bandwidth estimates and congestion avoidance"
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