Taking the valentines happy girl
i love all the sweet artistically talented bloggers that offer free downloads around holidays for us readers
when cate is too scared to go downstairs penny will go with her and everything is all right she lets cate dress her up for weddings or try to ride her or pull her by the tail almost daily and even knowing the torture she will soon endure she gets so excited when cate gets home from school
i think they are so cute i love her litte handwriting and she is beyond excited to pass them out some other projects she and i looked at but didnt get around to (of course) from martha (of course)
breakfast i always have two eggs and salsa always i dont really get sick of it and it would really stink if i did because theres not a lot out there for breakfast actually when you are at your ideal weight and ovulating regularly you can have any kind of whole grain hot cereal without a problem you know steel cut oats etc i am not quite there yet berries and grapes are pretty low on the glycemic index and i have those too oh and i love cottage cheese with fruit
again happy things
what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you
from the spring/summer 09 toast catalog
remember how i was so proud that my room was clean and i was knitting well i still am
and then suddenly and to my surprise i met and married the man i had no idea i was dreaming of but he was perfect for me and better than anything i had imagined or sought after before
he is the perfect mix to me of blues and folk and funk and feeling
she follows me around all day just in case she might be needed for something anything cute little penny is just a wee dog but she feels strongly that part of her duty is to scare the crap out of anyone who gets near our house just so they know no one is going to mess with her family not on her watch she is undeterred by bigger animals and scary men- they all get yelled at to stay away
project 31 is rolling along i have donations for every single item i need for the 31 newborn kits and lots of fabric donations and i will sew until there are 31 baby quilts too thank you SO much i was overwhelmed by the awesome response packages are starting to arrive i will be sure to post some pictures when i get it all together and ready to take to the humanitarian center my heart is happy
but the commonality between each experience was- it was out of my hands i occasionally fell in love with someone who couldnt be had i occasionally had to run from someone who wouldnt let me go
secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine
i had a really tumultuous teenager-hood i was a happy and smart little kid it was surprising when so much angst welled up inside me
grant and i listened and danced to his music on valentines day