And how does this constitute socialism? I guess it depends on the neighborhood, but there certainly doesn't seem to be any of that sort of thing here. Most of the gardeners here are Hmong, and I'd imagine that if such started occuring, people would start doing guard duty. OTOH here, we've had kids torturing animals at the zoo and recently some decided to hack down a lot of the young trees in the main park. At any rate, vandalism and theft certainly isn't socialism, unless it's being done by the government. On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:19:54AM -0500, Neil Johnson wrote:
The community gardens near where my folks live are an excellent example of socialism.
Gardners spend hours all spring and summer tending their plants, hauling water in old milk jugs, weeding and fertilizing, just have the "fruits" of their labor stolen by freeloaders or smashed by vandals.
And the saddest lesson is the fact that the garderners come back year after year.
They should come back every year, but they should also learn to inject a little nicotine or other poison in a few of the veggies for those who steal. An old farmer taught me a good trick when I had some firewood ripped off. He said to take a few pieces of firewood and drill a big hole in them, put in a quarter stick of dynamite with caps attached in each, then seal the hole with woodputty and rub some dirt on it while still sticky to hide the hole. Leave on outside of pile where theives will grab it first. Turns those cast iron stoves into grenades. 8-) -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix