On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Alex Le Heux wrote:
You people just don't get it do you? A gun has one purpose: To kill. Just like any other tool, a gun, if it is available _will_ be used at some point.
So making sure there are lots of guns around only serves to make a lot of people very dead. This is a Bad Thing. I agree wholeheartedly. Uncontrolled guns do not solve problems, they create them. If most households have at least one firearm, it makes it
Name one problem that you have with "uncontrolled" guns that you don't with controlled ones.
that much easier for a criminal to obtain one by stealing yours while you are at work.
Not if it is with you.
Canada may be regulated to death according to most libertarians, but I for one like it that way. I can walk alone and unarmed at night in Ottawa, Toronto, etc. without fearing for my life. Can a female resident of Washington or New York say the same? Our schools do not have metal detectors at the entrances because they are not needed.
Toronto has how many people? And the cultural mix is?
IMNSHO the best way to fight crime is not with bigger guns than the "bad guys", but with better social programs such as universal health care, and improved day care so single parents can show their kids what a productive
Crap. The kind of crime that guns stop isn't the kind solved with "better social conditions". Rape has nothing to do with how much money _either_ person makes. Muder rarely does. If you can't see this, then you have your head firmly up your governments ass. Stop and take a hard look at who kills who with guns and why.
lifestyle looks like. This takes longer than blowing the brains out of some teenager that feels his only path to a better life is through crime, and it doesn't give the same adrenalin rush. However, it works at the source of crime, and not the consequences.
You may know a bit about crypto, but you don't know a god damn thing about crime and it's causes. Shoemaker stick to your lasts.