i love the color palette and obvious softness.
i love that she's an expert knitter and yet chooses to create very simple pieces;
ok, i'm off to knit...
i always enjoy knitting lacy stuff but this pattern was especially fun, super easy, and portable.
she wears birkenstocks to fashion shows.
ps- did i say i would sew this past saturday? i meant next saturday! haha!
i am going to turn on some good music and choose to be happy.
here's an irish blessing from us to you...
my happy little life
last minute trip to idaho to see my sister- so much better than home blogging!
you sit at the counter
we ate corned beef and cabbage with irish soda bread last night in preparation for the day of the irish.
like this one, from sweet mary, that she left on the clean room post: "Your house seems so organized.
1. in the craft room i throw everything on the homework table. that clears up the floor for more mess craft making.
have you seen april's ms living yet?
soft and long lacy scarf light enough for spring, extra long for winter wrapping, elegant enough for church, cute enough for a tshirt...i really love this scarf pattern (gee can you tell?).
i am looking forward to a date with grant.
let's give a hand to the world, for everything it can do!!
and the fact that she's 31 makes me happy to be 31.
back in a few days