On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Tim May wrote:
At 7:27 PM -0700 9/15/98, Jaeger wrote:
hey, would you care to show us where "seperation of church and state" is to be found in the constitution/bill of rights? absolute right and
Gee, check out the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Also the first item in the Bill of Rights. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." (from memory, so don't bother me with minor wording corrections.)
By standard convention, this is also referred to as "separation of church and state."
Also check out the text of the Virginia law involving seperation of church and state written by Thomas Jefferson. (Should be required reading for those who insist that the country is based on "Christian values".) Any good collection of the writings of Thomas Jefferson should have it. (My copy was borrowed and never returned a few years ago... Argh!) alan@ctrl-alt-del.com | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply Alan Olsen | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.