nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) wrote:
From: Andy Dustman <> Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server Subject: Pasting in From: Date: Sunday, November 30, 1997 8:03 PM
[ ... ]
So, I propose a compromise: What if I enable pasting of From:, but if a From: header is pasted in, a short disclaimer is added to the beginning of the body of the message. Would that mess anyone up? I think this would be sufficient to avoid most problems with "forging".
What are the advantages of pasting a From: above pasting a Reply-To: ?
For one thing, many newsreaders list messages by From: and Subject: line. By putting in a distinctive From: line, your posts will be identifiable without readers having to download and read each message body. By pasting in a From: header, an anonymous poster can thus make his posts recognizeable. Pasting in a Reply-To doesn't accomplish the same thing. In essence, pasting enables one to adopt a non-replyable pseudonym. Why burden the 'nym servers if the poster doesn't want e-mail replies to his posts? The alternative suggestion of posting from a replyable 'nym address does not really address the issue. If one wants to post with a From: address of "", why should a remailer make that any more difficult than doing it from a non-anonymous ISP? (If "jolly ol' St. Nick" is worried about his e-mail address being forged, he can always request source blocking.)