PERL is horrendously less efficient, but easy to code for grunt work like data processing and administrative scripts. PERL is THE BOMB for CGI web programming, and combined with a nice free database with like mySQL, you can produce some really amazing applications. I'd guess quite a few on the list use PERL... I do, almost exclusively, but I'm making services and doing sysadmin and not producing platform-specific applications. Then, C is the most likely language used. Probably lots of people have their own favorite languages. The O'Reilly and Associates 'Nutshell' books are widely accepted as good reference manuals and tutorials in many lanugages. Certain languages work better for certain applications. Check a technical bookstore. Mark Hedges Infonex/Anonymizer
At 12:03 PM 5/22/98 -0600, you wrote:
hello i am new to this list i would like to know what programing language everyone prefers and any books they recommend on that subject
Josh, my guess is that about 99% of programmers on this list use C whether they like it or not. What they prefer might be quite different. ;)