On Mon, 16 Jun 97 11:00:57 -0500, you wrote:
Has Lynx been ported to the Mac? You might want to just write your own. If your not intrested in all the N$ crap (frames, animated Gifs, cookies, ...) it is really quite easy code to write a few socket calls and parsing of some text. I wrote one over a weekend that handles 99% of my web browsing needs.
http://lynx.browser.org says there is a Mac version in Beta test right now. I'm currently using Opera v2.12 which uses alot less memory than Netscape, but I don't know how 'secure' it is. I'm download the win32 port of Linx right now to give it a try. Brian ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian C. Lane http://www.eskimo.com/~nexus KC7TYU ------------------ 96B9 C123 5C90 BECC 6A1F 7DC6 4F2B A26E --------------------