To: CYPHERPUNKS@TOAD.COM TRAINING CONFERENCE: 21st Century Commerce International EXPO 2001 E-Business://Building Integrated Solutions September 10-13, 2001 Phoenix Civic Plaza Phoenix, Arizona Main Program: Registration: 7:30 a.m., September 11 Program Begins: 8:30 a.m., September 11 Wrap-up: 3:30 p.m., September 13 Continental Breakfast, Refreshments and Lunches included. About the Conference: The 21st Century Commerce International EXPO 2001 will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, September 10-13, 2001. The conference was created in 1987 as a conference and trade exhibition focused on IT solutions for the government marketplace and the Department of Defense. The EXPO has expanded to encompass commercial marketplace best business practices. EXPO offers you an opportunity to hear from some of the nations top business leaders who will discuss and examine all aspects of e-business, from infrastructure to enterprise architecture, to hardware and software, to security issues. On the trade show floor, you will see successful e-business in action: from government agencies to Fortune 500 companies to small- and medium-size enterprises making a difference for tomorrow's wired world. Who should attend: * Senior Managers (government and Industry) * Chief Information Officers * Knowledge Officers * International Business Leaders * eBusiness Architects * Information Technology Officers * Program Managers * Product Data Managers * Customer Relations Managers * Technology Providers * Small-Medium-Large Enterprises * Data Conversion Managers and Providers * Application Service Providers Among those areas that will be discussed in the tracks are: * Defining Requirements for Integrated Solutions * Strategy Focused Execution * Exploiting Value Chain Management * Electronic Enterprises-Broadening Your Space * Integrated Technologies * Electronic Government Enterprise-Governing Beyond Borders Key Presentations: * Mr. Robert D. Johnson, Executive Vice President and COO, Honeywell International and President and CEO, Honeywell Aerospace * Ms. Mary J. Mitchell, Program Executive for Electronic Government Policy, General Services Administration * Mr. Jack Garrison, Director of Integrated Logistics, Lockheed Martin * LTG Daniel G. Brown, Deputy Commander in Chief, US Transportation Command * LTG Charles S. Mahan, Jr., Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, US Army * RADM Ray Archer, Defense Logistics Agency * Ms. Ariane Whittemore, Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, (Fleet Readiness and Logistics) * Dr. Palmer Smith, Director of Government Solutions, Sabre, Inc. * Mr. John F. Phillips, Vice President of Aftermarket Growth, Honeywell * Mr. Barry Lerner, Vice President of Government Sales, Exostar, LLC * Mr. Walt Kozak, PricewaterhouseCoopers * Mr. Pat Holcomb, CommerceOne * Mr. Craig York, Honeywell International Three ways to register: * On-line at www.21cc.org * By fax at 703-522-3192 * By mail: AFEI, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201 Register prior to August 31 for Early Bird rates! AFEI Members: $750 Government Employees: $825 Non-Member: $900 Tutorials: $100 (September 10) GSA (MOBIS/LOGWORLD Training): $75 (September 10) Tutorials Sessions Include: * Introduction to Supply Chain Management including practical steps in planning for implementation * How to conduct auctions on the Internet. Reverse auctions - how they work - how DoD is using reverse auctions to save money * Strategy Focused Execution including an introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) * XML with examples of the practical application of XML within Industry and Government * Introduction to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) * Configuration Management (The transition to an Industry-wide standard) We are pleased to announce that GSA will be holding a LOGWORLD/ MOBIS training session during the EXPO this year. This year the General Services Administration's (GSA) procurement innovations will be presented at the 21st Century Commerce International EXPO 2001 on September 10. GSA will provide training at EXPO 2001 for contractors and Federal agencies interested in the Logistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD) and Management, Organizational and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS) schedule contracts. LOGWORLD enables Federal agencies to procure comprehensive logistics solutions to enhance or replace existing operations and capabilities. Examples of the type of services provided under this schedule include Supply and Value Chain Management; Acquisition Logistics; Distribution and Transportation Logistics; Deployment Logistics; Logistics training services, support products and new services. MOBIS provides Federal agencies with a tool to seek expert advice for improving management and organizational effectiveness. Examples of the type of services provided under the MOBIS schedule are consulting services; facilitation services; survey services; Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services; A76 study support; project management services; training services and support products. www.northwest.gsa.gov/fss/msc Executive Roundtable: This years Executive Roundtable (ERT) theme is Returns on Business Investments in the New Reality. The ERT is a special session for senior management (CEO, COO, CIO, CTO, Sr. Vice Presidents, Presidents, Executive Directors) and is offered by invitation only. If you would like to request an invitation, please contact Michelle Bourke at mbourke@afei.org. Exhibit: Booth space will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve your preferred location as soon as possible. The floorplan has been configured to maximize traffic throughout the display area, and the program schedule will be designed to encourage attendee participation. For more information on available booth space and prices, go to http://www.21cc.org/01exhibits.htm. We have already sold 50% of our booth spaces! Sign up soon! Conference Sponsors: * EXOSTAR * Sprint E Solutions * CSC * Phoenix Business Journal * Government Computer News * National Defense Industrial Association * National Defense Magazine * Thomas Group * BidSource * The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce To view sponsorship opportunities, please visit the website at www.21cc.org Contact: Michelle Beckner Bourke, EXPO Conference Manager, at (703) 247-9473, mbourke@afei.org; If you wish to be REMOVED from this list, please REPLY by placing REMOVE in the subject line. Thank you