At or before 09:44 AM 6/23/97 -0400, some provocateur wrote: ...
Leading eCa$h candidates for dying at an opportune time to make some perennial loser "Dead Lucky" are: ...[targets deleted, with prices from $514 to 2,610.02 ]
Leading Contributors/Bettors: The James Gang The Dalton Gang The Bell Gang William Geiger III
You've done an inadequate job of implementing your protocol, endangering your customers far more than your targets. [And your customers are _cheapskates_ as well :-) ] A proper bot would accept contributions from Public Key 0x23DEADBEEF9999999 Public Key 0x45BEEFDEAD9854355 and similar one-use identities. # Thanks; Bill # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com # You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp # (If this is a mailing list or news, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)