PS: heard some fedscum mention 'militia and other terrorists' the other day, what would Gen George W think?
which fedscum, do you have a mentionable source, &c.?
It was ATF, about some gun-robbers; it seems to be a reply to trollbait by the Faux news channel or spontaneous dreck. Are they Terrorist or MilitiaBY GunMuse That was the question asked and answered to by Fox News to the ATF in Michigan Gun store robberies. This is a prime example of where we see our gun organizations failing to take action. Those words are not interchangeable. The Clinton administration tried to make it that way while they rewrote the constitution via executive orders, and gave away federal lands and national treasures (Like the liberty bell) to the United Nations. This is a defamation of character to interchange these words. Militias are required to by the constitution to be a citizen protection from government corruption and abuse of power on its own people. Its the very reason that the military can not be used to police US citizens for any reason. More than 300 firearms have been stolen from local dealers in a short period of time. The thieves were caught on film using a shotgun to blast open the front door running to the back display cases and grabbing as many pistols as they could carry and were gone in less than 1 minute and 15 seconds. The ATF said they already had suspects and had issued a federal search warrant in the case and then was asked the question. Are the robbers terrorist or Militia? Lumping American patriots and believers in a strong constitutional government in the same boat as those who attacked New York.