How about a business case for relaxing intellectual property regulations? If you could put together a good persuasive speech on that one, I would like to see it. Or you could do a persuasive speech on the economic advantages of more lenient cryptographic export restrictions.

Or you could do what I did when I had that project in school (and this is my personal recommendation) - blow off class to go hang out in the gallery of the House, get there and remember it's tourist season and they are rotating people through in five minute intervals, and decide to go downtown and get drunk. I then had to deliver a persuasive speech the next day on why it was more important to skip class and get drunk than to do assignments, which didn't impress anyone and earned me a failure on the assignment.

Or you could subscribe to the speech writing mailing list (I'm sure there is one) and ask them.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 4:51 PM
Subject: persuasive speeches

I can't think of a persuasive speech topic; can you think of one?