At 05:39 PM 10/15/01 -0700, somebody wrote:
"In a high-security wing of Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional Center, an unknown number of men with Middle Eastern names are being held in solitary confinement on the ninth floor, locked in 8- by 10-foot cells with little more than cots, thin blankets and, if they request it, copies of the Koran. Every two hours, guards roust them to conduct a head count. They have no contact with each other or their families and limited access to their lawyers.
5000 people went through a 1000-degree meat grinder on 9/11 without an opportunity for any due process, and don't fucking forget it.
Do you seriously think that justifies suspension of due process? If you don't, why did you bring it up? That aside, I think it's been sufficiently demonstrated that you shouldn't treat people like collateral damage unless you wish to receive similar consideration... Did any governments that derive their being from the consent of the governed renege on promises to the 6000 in the WTC that they would have due process? Didn't think so. Work on one of the problems at hand, or shut the fuck up and crawl back under your rock, but either way, kindly refrain from further invoking emotion-laden irrelevancies. They get invoked more then often enough. -- Luthor //Remembering is copying and copying is THEFT