Without taking a position on the rest of the following post, I should say that it's the conservative thinktanks and grassroots groups that are leading the opposition to all administration proposals and are taking a crypto-absolutist stance. -Declan Sure, libertarian groups are just as good or better, but there are fewer of them. (Cato -still- hasn't come out with their crypto policy analysis even after they've been working on it for half a year. At least their privacy paper should be coming out soon. And CEI doesn't have the staff to devote someone to this issue.) They've done a few conferences and such, but they're limited by numbers. On Sun, 22 Jun 1997 geeman@best.com wrote:
massive investments being made by Industry in the conservative thinktanks who produce the intellectual fodder-de-jour that supports the position of this elite, and overwhelm the likes of McCain and Kerrey with impossible-for-the-legislature-to-understand managed