Last heard from Jim on May 27, 2010. Said he was going to a hearing in Tacoma. Purpose of the hearing not explained. Parole might have been revoked. Don't quote that. He was engaged in a determined effort to overturn his conviction with a string of filings. Also distributing a slew of scientific claims to a slew of corporations and scientists developed while in the pokey. Claimed the inventions and chemical formulas would be Copernican in impact. Impeccably qualified, I studied them closedly, cooked the ingredients, punched the results, hawked the output to vultures at In-Tel-Q for 200K or so -- could of been NASA or ONR or IDA or Lincoln Lab or Iran or North Korea or the Chinese tor-blasting Wiki-fucking-Leaks, I'm still smoked from the centrifuge blow-up. Ding his cell. Jeff will record.