17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
In <Pine.BSF.3.91.961204070229.25120B-100000@blacklodge.c2.net>, on 12/04/96 at 07:15 AM, logos <logos@c2.net> said:
I have been unfailingly polite to you. Do you have it within your character to respond to me in kind?
<sigh> Good 'ol Dimitri :) What can be said other than Dimitri is Dimitri. He has a long and colorfull history of this childish behavior not only on the cypherpunks list but is well know on many of the UseNet Newsgroups. You may also note that many of the more "colorfull" anonymous postings are of the same format and most likely can be traced back to our good doctor. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- whgiii@amaranth.com -----------------------------------------------------------