OK. So how about preventative care? It might well be that by insuring everyone and keeping them in health, the total risk per dollars paid for coverage actually goes down. Especially if infectious diseases can be kept in check. Plus, the sum total of money paid by the insurees goes up as they stay healthier for longer, thus giving more money for the insurance company to invest into more profitable ventures. This is what governments do now.
How are you going to make sure that people do the things that make them healthy? If their health care is paid for by the state (or rather by the collective labor of society), then they can engage in any sort of behavior they wish and still get covered, so why bother with that boring stuff like exercise and leafy green vegetables when you can sit back, suck up a six pack, eat some brauts and watch the game on the telly? Believe it or not, not all people in this world are hardworking. Not all people in this world are willing to put forth much effort at all, especially for long term issues like health. So how are you going to make sure that people do the things they need to do to keep them healthy? Pass laws? Use force? -- A quote from Petro's Archives: ********************************************** "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." --Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women s Studies, Bowling Green State University