Thank you for contacting me via electronic mail.  I welcome the thoughts, comments and feedback from the concerned citizens of Michigan's 16th Congressional District.  If you reside in my Congressional District, you will receive a written response from me shortly.  If you live outside the 16th District, I will do my best to forward your concern to your Congressional Representative.

********Important System Upgrade Notice*********

As of November 30, 2001, this e-mail address ( will no longer be operational.  Utilizing the most recent technology, my staff has developed a new system for faster, better and more efficient constituent services.

To contact me in the future, simply point your web browser to my web page, and click on the "contact offices" link, or go to  From there I will be able to receive your views on the business before the Congress and respond to your questions and comments on a timelier basis.  Of course, you may always contact me through the mail at:

        2328 Rayburn H.O.B.
        Washintgon, D.C. 20515

Thank you again for being in touch.