On Dec 31, 2003, at 4:38 AM, John Young wrote:
Nowhere in Tim's spew is the recognition that the largest beneficiaries of government favoritism are corporations and wealthy individuals like himself, especially those associated with the greeders of the defense industry, rather the national security state. No US institution has been uncontaminated by the wealth generated by the illusion of US enemies and the raping of the economy to simulate battle with such fictional threats, at home and abroad.
Utter nonsense. A corporation paying 45% of its profits in tax (not to mention similar high tax rates on tens of thousands of its employees) gets little or nothing "back" from the state. Contrast this to the growing number of "on disability" scams, "services" recipients, welfare of various sorts, and general incentives not to work or save. My state, California, has very high income and investment taxes, and very high local and property taxes...and yet the taxes can't keep up with the giveaways to bums, winos, unwed mothers, queers, beggars, "disabled," and general layabouts. And the state even makes it illegal to hire people for day jobs (without filling out numerous forms, submitting reports to Cal-OSHA, SSA, etc.). Meanwhile, in our many Mexican towns here in California, unwed Mexican mamas push their baby strollers down to La Famiglia and WICC to get their "benefits." I've never taken a dime of "unemployment" or "welfare" or "Social Security" or any other money stolen from taxpayers to give to layabouts. Meanwhile, I've paid a vast amount of taxes. I say feed the bums into incinerators. The vilest of them should be tortured first. --Tim May "The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else." --Frederic Bastiat