Tim May writes:
Q: "Do you believe people should be arrrested, tried, and jailed for writing in some form that narcs and cops cannot read? Do you believe whispering should be made a felony?
Q: If you answered "yes," would you be willing to take a bullet from citizens who don't agree? Will you volunteer to work in an office building that may be terminated by extreme prejudice by patriots?
Q: Do you understand that by repressing civil liberties, you have earned killing?
These are good points, but they don't go far enough. It is time for everyone to adopt Tim May's policy that those who disagree on political matters deserve to be killed. Imagine the simplification of political life which would result. What if the Founding Fathers had such policies? History would be much more interesting for students to study. "I declare that the legislature should have one house!" "No, I claim that it should have two houses!" "Fiend!" "Scoundrel!" (FFs whip out muskets and shoot each other.) We could eliminate voting altogether. Instead everyone would get together in a large arena. People favoring the various positions would gather into groups, then on a signal each person would attempt to shoot and kill all those in the other groups. Whichever group was most numerous would have some survivors left standing who would go out and try to keep society running. This is the Promised Land to which Tim May offers to lead us. Government by bloodshed. A democracy of death. One wonders how long Tim May himself would last in such a society? It wouldn't take much of his arrogant blustering before someone decided that he had "earned killing". He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.