At 6:33 AM -0700 4/24/03, Adam Shostack wrote:
At the workshop, I talked to James about using make-up to create different lines that would be picked up, ie, a wider nose drawn in brightly. He was very skeptical.
On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 04:42:33AM +0100, Adam Back wrote: | There was a paper at Privacy Enhancing Technologies 03 on this topic: | | "Engineering Privacy in Public: Confounding Face Recognition", James | Alexander and Jonathan Smith. | | It's full of pictures of one of the authors with various forms of | facial makeup, glasses, hats, stockings (over head bank-robber style), | dazzled camera with pen-light laser, etc, plus an empirical analysis | of the disguise efficacy in hiding identity against I think a face | recognition system called FERET. | | A copy seems to be online here: | | http://petworkshop.org/preproc/07-preproc.pdf | | Adam
Ah, but the surgical masks made popular by the SARS outbreak will cover most of the signs. Add ear coverings for cold climates, and I suspect the accuracy will go way down. Cheers - Bill ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Frantz | Due process for all | Periwinkle -- Consulting (408)356-8506 | used to be the | 16345 Englewood Ave. frantz@pwpconsult.com | American way. | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA