6-16-97, NYP: With a groundbreaking Supreme Court decision imminent on a new law restricting children's access to indecent material on the Internet, senior Clinton administration officials are preparing a policy that undercuts the administration's strong support of the law until now. Administration officials, anticipating that the court will strike the law down as an unconstitutional abridgment of free speech, have been quietly fashioning a new communications policy that leaves most regulation of the sprawling online world to the industry itself. No announcement will be made until the court rules on the constitutionality of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. And officials noted that the current draft of a working group's report, dated June 4, is not necessarily the last word spelling out the new approach. The president makes policy, they said, and this matter will not be settled until he approves. ----- BYE_cda http://jya.com/byecda.htm