-------------< COMMENTS BY Harka >-------------- Since there was a quite surprising interest, when I announced the draft-version of "PGPSteps", I'll post it this time straight to the list. If somebody would like to give it a WWW-home, go for it (please let me know the URL). Harka ----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Harka >---------- Here is "PGPSteps", a brief installation guide for PGP 2.6.2/2.6.3i for DOS/Windows. I started writing it, cause it seemed, that a lot of people were getting turned off by the sheer amount of homepages, front-ends, 150-pages+ FAQ's etc.. All of these things are great, but were usually only mastered by the most of the determined. The majority of potential users though didn't want to go through all that trouble. Hence "PGPSteps", an attempt to provide an easy starting ground, that let's newbies know, where to get PGP, how to install it, answers the most important questions and gives pointers to other resources. All that in a short and easily understandable form, that even not-so-technical people might be able to deal with. I hope, I have failed not too miserably... Comments to "PGPSteps" are welcome. Harka PGPSTEPS.ASC