At 05:02 PM 6/15/97 -0700, Rich Graves wrote:
A guy on the way to the shooting range is pulled over for speeding. The cop notices the guns, orders him out of the car, and asks where he's going. He answers, "Let me explain the way I think this country works. I am going wherever I damn well please." So the cop gives him a speeding ticket, and he continues on his way.
Now tell me, is this evidence that we're living in a police state?
Of course it probably helped that the guy was white, and probably driving a "decent" car, and carrying "decent" guns and not some "Saturday Night Special."
The guy being white and educated may well have convinced the cop to not make a fuzz. My local newspaper recently ran an article about a few Hispanic looking folks who had some photographs of themselves holding guns in their hands developed at the supermarket. Before they even picked up the prints, the clerk had called the cops which in turn raided the unfortunate gun owners. It turned out that the Hispanics owned the firearms legally. --Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Put a stake through the heart of DES! Join the quest at http://www.frii.com/~rcv/deschall.htm