t 03:06 PM 3/25/05 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
I noticed you did a little editing! Sigh. Few can stand in the light for very long, save the various beautiful women that clamor to spread my DNA...
Your barber can spread more of your DNA. Your female can help you *copy* your DNA, but only about half of it, and you don't get to chose which half.
Someone once said, "Cypherpunks write code."
Yes but I'd amend this to say, "Cypherpunks in the process of becoming economically successful probably don't have time to write code but others can sure feel free to try..."
Why not sketch a script that can? That's not hard work, and contributes more than the idea itself (which is a good idea BTW).
: Sounds possible to me. the only problem might be the need for : authentication,
Can't be any authentication for obvious reasons.
These days one has to act very quickly in order to create something original. The question is, will a TLA do it first and post it, along with a TINY little ID tag?
If its an open-source tool, who gives a rodent's arse if a TLA wrote it? After all, you can never be sure that a TLA *hasn't* written (or contributed) to anything. "Think critical" --Agrammatical Marketoids