From: "ScanThisNews" <> (by way of (Jeremy Compton)) Subject: SNET: [FP] Alaska: Nearly 93% of new parents choose Enumeration At Birth (EAB) Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 01:37:30 +1200 To: -> SNETNEWS Mailing List ====================================================================== SCAN THIS NEWS 9/10/98 This article actually ran in '96, but it is worth reviewing. ====================================================================== Press release from Alaska's Department of Health and Social Services found at: Electronic Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards at Birth Make Life Easier For Parents Februrary 6, 1966 (sic) The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Bureau of Vital Statistics reports that the Electronic Birth Certificates (EBC) have been installed in all but three of Alaska's hospitals. In a little over a two year time period, the Bureau has gone from no electronic birth certificates to nearly 99% of all Alaska hospital births coming to the Bureau in electronic format. "Innumerable man-hours have been saved at both ends of the registration process," said Al Zangri, Chief of the Bureau. In addition, in cooperation with state-wide hospitals, the Bureau has implemented the Social Security Administration's Enumeration At Birth (EAB) program statewide during 1995. The Enumeration at Birth program allows parents to request a social security number for their newborn through the birth registration process. This program has proven to be so popular with new parents that nearly 93% of all births transmitted to the Bureau request a social security number. ======================================================================= -----Original Message----- From: Katherine A. Sent: Thursday, Sep. 10, 1998 ======================================================================= Reply to: <> ======================================================================= To subscribe to the free Scan This News newsletter, send a message to <> and type "subscribe scan" in the BODY. Or, to be removed type "unsubscribe scan" in the message BODY. For additional instructions see ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Scan This News" is Sponsored by S.C.A.N. Host of the "FIGHT THE FINGERPRINT!" web page: ======================================================================= -> Send "subscribe snetnews " to -> Posted by: "ScanThisNews" <> (by way of (Jeremy Compton))