On Dec 21, 2003, at 7:58 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
It was an unwise war fought by unjust means. The cause of saving the Vietnamese from Soviet domination was a just cause, as the terror and the flood of refugees that followed the defeat of the west in Indochina proved.
Not my problem. If the Viet Cong wanted to free themselves from Ho or Thieu or Diem or Lyndon, not my problem. And anyone using force to take my money to pay for such a war is aggressing against me. Crapola about "just wars" is just statist nonsense.
However, "just cause" is only one of the several criteria needed for a just war. (And the Iraqi war does not satisfy all the criteria of just war either, though hanging Saddam is surely a just cause.)
Why does the "american way of life" have to win?
The world cannot remain half slave and half free. We must become slaves, or they must become free.
Not my problem. The Jews in Germany and Poland should have fought their oppressors instead of twirling their sidelocks and rocking and spinning...that they were slaughtered is, repeat after me, NOT MY PROBLEM. Your proposal in this thread and others to fight "just wars" means you are still the socialist you said you were in your earlier years, albeit now worshipping Rand and Reagan instead of Ho and Che and Mao. There has not been a "just war" involving America since 1776. And maybe 1812, though that was really just a minor skirmish. Stop yammering about using force to take my money and my time to support your "just causes" and "just wars." Better yet, why don't you just _ENLIST_ in the U.S. Army and go to Baghdad to implement your principles? --Tim May