"The New War" is Senator John Kerry's (Dem, MA) new book which examines global enemies of law and order. He cites the use of high-tech weapons, off-shore banks, and the Internet, featuring encryption, by rogue nations and organized criminals who are hiring the best and brightest lawyers, programmers, cryptographers and ex-spooks who once looked to the USG for secure careers, and who also pay top dollar for premium products and skills once affordable only by the military. He wonders how governments can compete with these new cash-flush criminals. The answer: new laws and new global arrangements. His view on global crypto is almost identical to that of Senator Kerrey (Dem, KA), Professor Denning and others who appear to be working in concert with the administration to advance global GAK, while admitting that some harm to privacy may be necessary. All nations must act in concert, Kerry says, to prevent the spread of dangerous technology. For a similar view, see Denning's synopsis of a paper on criminal use of encryption and developing technology to be published shortly: http://guru.cosc.georgetown.edu/~denning/crypto/oc-abs.html We've also heard from BXA that new regulations for the Commerce Control List and EAR to bring them into accord with the Wassenaar Arrangement will be out in "a month or two." This will probably be coordinated with the issuance of similar regulations by the 33 signators of the regime. It might portend the imposition of a global GAK regime that Kerry, et al, suggest is a primary weapon in The New War.