soft and long lacy scarf light enough for spring, extra long for winter wrapping, elegant enough for church, cute enough for a tshirt...i really love this scarf pattern (gee can you tell?).
but so worth it.
back in a few days
this image of silke stoddard's knitting is burned into my mind and tatooed on my heart.
mostly i just stinking LOVE knitting.
i love her style.
and totally not what you are supposed to be eating
my homekeeping secrets
my happy little life
the ms craft dept was featured in an article, and their personal crafting projects were shown.
really, cate is also mexican, japanese, native american, swiss, and a lot more- a true american- so we actually have a lot of family history travelling to do, but i really love the romantic beauty of ireland, and have always been drawn to that part of the world. plus i really love corned beef.
i am looking forward to a date with grant.
it's definately worth the long drive,
i am determined to get the house clean so i can relax and sew tomorrow.
i want those red boots and that coat.
with the sun streaming in
trust me, you'll want her working her magic on you.
i am not going to worry...about a thing.
you've gotta love people with humor like that.
haha, that's my girl.