I don't understand why one would pay $1000 for a Starium device when comparable devices are available in the market place for less than half
Do you have any references for those? I'm in the market for a voice encryptor system. Are these devices really comparable in terms of ease of use?
of that. The design goal for the new Starium boxes was sub-$100 retail. I doubt that design goal was met, but I would not pay a penny over $350 for one device. Which will still leave the seller with a nice profit.
Yeah, I remember they were supposed to be much cheaper. Perhaps they will drop the price later. I'm sure they didn't pick this number casually. If this is something that a lawyer would use to communicate with a client in criminal defense cases, or for government use, for instances, then $2k/pair might be a very reasonable price. It does price it out of the consumer market, but how big is the consumer market for these things, even if they are $100 each?