Tuesday 8/4/98 6:17 PM J Orlin Grabbe When I sent The contemplation of things as they are, without error or confusion, without substitution or imposture, is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of invention. Francis Bacon I had not seen the news. I watched Dan Rather, ABC, and PBS. I THINK I realized the importance of what you wrote at http://www.aci.net/kalliste/apocalyp.htm when I wrote at Tuesday 8/4/98 10:58 AM Larry Gilbert is our broker at Dain Rausher, formerly Rausher, Pierce and Resfnes. I phoned Gilbert this morning to alert him to http://www.aci.net/kalliste/apocalyp.htm The about 300 point drop in the DJ. I THINK we are doing LOTS OF THINKING. We are THINKING ABOUT the zeitgeist. We do not cause what MAY happen. We MAY only predict it. By THINKING and STUDYING HISTORY. THINKING SLOWLY is the most important part. Sitting Bull, whose Indian name was Tatanka Iyotake, was born in the Grand River region of present-day South Dakota in approximately 1831. His nickname was Hunkesi, meaning "Slow" because he never hurried and did everything with care. http://www.incwell.com/Biographies/SittingBull.html Morales and I are BOTH SLOW THINKERS. Morales, his wife Becky said at about 17:30, also got a letter from US attorney Mitchell. Retired Washington State University econ chairman Robert F Wallace "Stupidity is difficult to underestimate." recommended I read The Great Crash by John Kenneth Galbraith. I did a bit of searching on the web and found "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santyana, 1905 http://rickohio.com/mag/articles/monica.htm You and John Young http://www.jya.com/index.htm are riding the zeitgeist, I THINK! Morales and Payne may be on the zeitgeist too. http://www.jya.com/whp071598.htm Let's all hope for settlement of this unforunate matter. Before it gets WORSE. Best bill