At 10:23 PM 12/16/00 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
Is your premise that anarchy doesn't lead to a 'socialist' society? A society in which the choices of the individual are made en masse? Consider the congruency of world view a working anarchy requires? Then consider the disparity of world views between any two people. How do you resolve this obvious conflict?
Congruency of world view is unnecessary if coercion becomes difficult or impossible. If people can move and communicate and trade in spite of the desire of some others to prevent those exchanges, then they exist in a mutual state of anarchy without regard to their mutual opinions.
To get rid of government is to a priori restrict this world view. Yet anarchy promises us a wider choice of world view, apparently only so long as it's the approved one.
Cult groups will continue to offer their members a wide choice of rules and regs. They just won't be able to coerce non-members. DCF