Dear James, Jay Wherley is the head tech guy at so wwe can rely on his views below. The incentive payments and the payment receive fee are not counted as "spends" for the statistics on the page. One correspondent suggested to me that there may be one or more "spread spectrum" accounts. The way such an account would work is that a 'bot would create 10,000 e-gold accounts. Other software for bulk payments would be used to spend one ten thousandth of each payment from each of these accounts to the intended recipient. Why do so? Doing so would diversify the risk of any one account being closed, make the process of tracking the account history data much harder for prosecutors and others with court orders, and generally enhance privacy to some extent. Of course, this idea was indicated as a chimera, something that has been discussed but no one knows if anyone has ever implemented it. Meanwhile, I suggest a few games of poker at I hope this message has been helpful. Jay's detailed response below. Regards, Jim