damaged justice wrote:
[1]Microsoft Small Business [2]Business First [3]Kemper Insurance Companies [4][ISMAP]-[5][USEMAP]
December 29, 1997
Tech Watch
Groups line up in support for Internet commerce taxes ______________________________________________________________
John Frees
Rumblings on the horizon suggest that tax-free Internet commerce could be coming to an end.
"Dave -- if you can't figure something out, the answer's probably money."
State governments, already losing as much as $3 billion annually in taxes on direct-mail purchases, are taking a strong look at the growing market for online purchases.
"Dave -- if you can't figure something out, the answer's probably money."
The Federation of Tax Administrators, the National Conference of State Legislatures, National League of Cities and the National Governors' Association all want Congress to let states tax such purchases.
"Dave -- if you can't figure something out, the answer's probably money." . . . Viva el Geiger, --David Miller middle rival devil rim lad Windows '95 -- a dirty, two-bit operating system.