At 08:30 PM 8/7/01 -0700, Brent wrote:
<cough> bs <cough>
E-Bombs generate electromagnatic pulse which destroys any and all electric current running in any particular area it is detonated in. E-Bombs are a national threat and are being sold on the black market for $400 to
terrorists. Yeah the same terrorists who buy thousand-dollar frequency counters to use as bug sweepers..
they generate a large magnetic pulse (with a large coil of wire) which has a lot of current running through it. Then the chemical inside explodes touching the coil of wire causing it to be a moving short circut. When it hits, all current running through any metal or electricity-using object is destroyed.
This is a Joe Sixpack-level misconstrual of an explosive-driven impulse generator that uses the explosion to collapse an inductor's magnetic field. Standard stuff, described in lots of places on the web. Not very discrete, being explosive driven.