Oh great. Now every news story on this thing will be echoed by Mr. Choate directly to the list without any introductory commentary. Don't you see how this stuff backfires? Ugh. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Faustine" <a3495@cotse.com> To: <cypherpunks@lne.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:50 PM Subject: Re: Pointers to news sources and other mailing lists
Eugene wrote:
Unless any of you people already run such a newsticker? No point in reinventing the wheel.
The best security/crypto/privacy news ticker I've seen is at http://www.infosyssec.com, a portal which bills itself as "The most comprehensive computer and network security resource on the Internet for Information System Security Professionals". If you don't feel like waiting for the ticker to scroll through, try http://www.infosyssec.com/infosyssec/infosecnews.html.
If some of the the links don't work, the whole story is usually mirrored at http://www.securitynewsportal.com/.
None finer, IMHO...