In less than 10 minutes, you can set up a professional surveillance camera without ever breaking a sweat. How?

Introducing the XCam2, a wireless video camera that broadcasts LIVE COLOR video to any TV, VCR or PC* within 100 feet. That means no wires and no mess!

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Through this special email offer, you can order the XCam2 for only $79.99 plus receive FREE Shipping anywhere in the United States!

Sound good? It gets even better.

If you order now, you'll also receive a FREE motion-activated VCR Commander: automatically record video from your camera straight to your VCR! Gigantic $100 VALUE!

You get...

  • FREE HawkEye Motion Sensor
    Send signals to your VCR anytime there's motion within 30 ft.
    Learn more

  • FREE VCR Commander II
    Tell your VCR to start and start recording only when there's movement near your camera.
    Learn more

  • FREE Shipping
    We'll pack an ship your order completely free of charge... No hidden fees!
    Learn more

We normally sell these parts for $190. But through this exclusive email offer, you get the entire package for ONLY $79.99 plus...

  • FREE Shipping
  • 30 day money-back guarantee

* To receive video signals on a PC, you must also own the Video Capture Kit (Part #VA11A) sold seperately.

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