On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, James Love wrote:
Declan McCullagh wrote:
Jamie, if you're seriously confused about the differences between left-wing and right-wing groups I can help educate you, perhaps with a few rules of thumb. But I suspect that you really don't want a serious answer.
I didn't think the big government fetish answer was very good. I don't want to put words in your mouth. But if you think you can really explain what constitutes a leftist, in your view, I'm ready to read it.
Man! Talk about burning bandwidth on politics 101. The problem is that you're both stuck using Orwellian newspeak for political classification. If people only have a single dimension to classify political beliefs then there can't be very many beliefs. Multidimensional political beliefs systems don't hash into the one dimensional left/right axis very well. The collision rate is too high. For a somewhat better map at least check out the Nolan chart. http://www.self-gov.org/lp-quiz.shtml enjoy jim