Huh? Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
Assume that you could nearly guarantee a profit of $5mil or more by shorting your stocks before a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
Would you perpetrate such a crime, and frame the "sand-niggers"?
What's the cost/benefit here?
How much potential profit would be necessary for a crime like this to occur with profit as the only motive?
I have NO IDEA what this strange post has to do with the original question. I'm a libertarian. As such, I see no problem in doing well by doing good. Just because I would jump at $5 million (plus Witness Relocation) to finger Bin Laden does not mean I would do something evil for that amount or more. Remember, the original question was, would a $5 million reward plus a new identity under the Witness Relocation Program be enticing enough to get someone to roll over on Bin Laden. My best guess is 'yes' and I merely used myself as an example. Look, I don't CARE about the purity of the motives of someone who would give up Bin Laden. The only question in my mind is whether or not there is somebody who would do it for the stipulated inducement. That was--and is--the question. S a n d y