Jim Choate wrote:
Forwarded message: Subject: INFO-RUSS: Reuter: Russian+Russian Drug Cartels Post: Russian Mob, Drug Cartels Joining Forces
The officials were quoted as saying that the growing alliances between Russian and Colombian criminal organizations were the most dangerous trend in drug smuggling in the Western Hemisphere.
Legalize drugs! The War on Drugs *created* all of the current problems in this area by making minute amounts of forbidden substances worth more than precious metals. If we make sugar illegal, so that it sells for hundreds of dollars a gram, people will steal and kill over it. If we legalize it, the deaths will stop. The government would have us believe that the 'bad guys' are killing each other and ourselves and our neighbors over substances that cost mere pennies to produce. Bullshit. They are killing over the insane profits to be had from cheap products which are selling for outrageous prices as a result of the War on Drugs. Bottom Line: You and I may have to die in order for the government to attempt to prevent someone else from killing themself. Makes sense to me... Duhhh....