On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 05:06 PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
Metal cans make excellent timers, too.
In local Police Museum, back during the communism era, there was an exhibition of the tools of "capitalist saboteurs". One of them was a device for delayed electrical ignition of haystacks. The timer was a pot with a lid. There were two contacts mounted on the lid, and a metal plate in the pot, laid on the layer of dried pea. You added water, the pea sterted to swell and rise the metal plate. When the plate touched the contacts, you were far away.
ANYTHING can be used as a "terrorist tool". The world is crammed full with such toys, all you need is to keep your eyes open.
Yes, but our side was using these freedom-fighting tools because we were freedom-fighters, not terrorists. When our side blew up the civilian Air Cubana airplane it was an act of freedom fighting, not terrorism. When our side mined the harbor of Managua, Nicaragua it was an act of freedeom fighting, not terrorism. (The Nicaraguan citizens had held a democratic election and had elected Daniel Ortega, a socialist, not the right-wing drug industrialist we had favored. So we mined their harbor.) When our side infiltrated Czechlos--whatever--vakia to burn hay lofts with the time delay system you describe, or to poison water supplies, or to sabotage factories, it was an act of freedom fighting to prove that the Czech system could not work. Sort of the CIA's version of "Unbearable Lightness of Being." Remember, when we assassinate and mine and blow up airliners, it's all part of the freedom fighting techniques taught at the College of the Americas CIA campus. (As a libertarian, and as one who read "1984" when I was 14 and "Atlas Shrugged" when I was 16, I am no friend of either socialism or communism, so don't misunderstand my comments above to mean that I support either Castro or the former USSR satellites, etc. But, befitting my exposure to "1984," I despise doublespeak and doublethink even more than I dislike Castro, for example. I favor freely trading with Cuba as the best way to implement "regime change" there. I believe locals need to change their regimes. If they won't, then they deserve what they get. There is great "moral hazard" involved in bailing out people or nations for their unwillingness to study, to learn, to defend themselves, etc. Apply this point to either American negroes and their degenerate status or to 1930s Eastern European Jews who were more intent on rocking and swaying and reading Torah scriptures than they were in preparing.) --Tim May