For being a dipshit of course...Scooped AVN: Cincinnati
Couple Go to Trial August 19
Remember what I said a couple of days ago what was going to
happen in Cincinnati in wake of adult movies being pulled from
pay-per-view. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of the following cases with
attorney Lou Sirkin working overtime: This time a Cincinnati couple-
Jennifer Dute, 31, and her husband Alan, 61 will be going to trial next
week. The Dutes were indicted by a Hamilton County grand jury this past
April on four counts of pandering obscenity, charges that carry a maximum
sentence of four years in prison. Their company, A&J Specialty, also
was indicted on four counts of pandering obscenity and faces a maximum
fine of $40,000.
The search warrant was served March 21. Hamilton County Prosecutor Mike
Allen said the pair sold pornographic videos by mail “despite a court
order prohibiting such sales to or from Hamilton County.” Authorities
said sales were made Feb. 11, March 4, March 7, and March 21. Officials
said the Dutes pleaded guilty to similar charges three years ago.
In 1999, Jennifer Dute faced two counts of pandering obscenity and a
possible three years in jail. At that time she was accused of starring in
two videos — Jennifer 2 and Jennifer 3 — and then marketing
them on a Web site and in a local newspaper, Everybody's News- now
defunct. Prosecutor Mike Allen said the Hamilton County Sheriff's office
investigated the case and purchased copies of the videos. Allen said
investigators determined they may violate community standards for
obscenity. Dute avoided going to prison when she swore she'd never again
sell her home-made porn tapes in or from Hamilton County. But Hamilton
County officials say she lied because they bought more home-made porn
tapes - starring the 31-year-old Ms. Dute - from her Anderson Township
home at least four times in February and March.
Allen was the brains trust behind the great professor rat hunt of