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Guns: H&K, G3, 7.62 v 5.56 [Guns]


I finaly got around to doing some research on Tim's claim regarding H&K's G3
being a 5.56 round while the various folks I have been talking to refer to
it as a 7.62.

Tim's claim that the 7.62 (.308) is actualy the HK-91/G1 and not the G3 is
correct. The confusion comes from the fact that a few years ago the German
Bundswehr quit using the HK and began using the FN/G3 which is 7.62. I had
assumed the G3 it was refering to was the H&K and when I talked to the local
gun nut he thought I was talking about the current model because I had made
a comment a while back about it being used by the Germans as their standard
infantry model and being .308.


H&K 91/G1 is 7.62 (.308) (old standard issue)
H&K 93/G3 is 5.56 (.223)
FN/G3 is 7.62 (.308) (current standard issue)

My suggested rifle *is* the H&K 91/G1 which is .308 and the local gun shop
says used they run in the $1500 to $3000 range. New ones aren't imported.

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