On Sat, 24 May 1997 23:54:06 -0500 (CDT), Igor Chudov (ichudov@algebra.com) wrote:
Maybe we should put together a short document describing what cypherpunks lists are there and how to choose them. We can mentions all nodes -- ssz, cyberpass, and algebra -- in that document.
I've tried to do that on my Cypherpunks-overview Web page at http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto/cypherpunks.html The Cypherpunks Home Page at http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/cypherpunks/Home.html is out of date regarding the state of the mailing list (and has many broken links as well). As I type this, the above host is up but its Web server is not. -- Francis Litterio PGP Key Fingerprint: franl@world.std.omit-this.com 02 37 DF 6C 66 43 CD 2C http://world.std.omit-this.com/~franl/ 10 C8 B5 8B 57 34 F3 21 Note: email address and WWW URL altered to prevent spam. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin, ~1784