At 07:24 PM 01/03/2002 -0600, wrote:
Spare your breath. The only way to shut up someone with a mental condition is to kick him off the list, to leave the list, or use filtering.
Can't we just kick him: period?
What you do on your own time is your business :-) Meanwhile, it's an open list, and procmail, Eudora, Outlook, Pine, and probably even Netscape have mail filters, so you can auto-ignore people you don't want to see. Or you can encourage them by replying to all their posts, so they'll keep on ranting. Your choice.... One of the helpful things Detweiler did was get us thinking about the necessity for mail filters before the Spam wave hit and before the September That Never Ended swamped Usenet, though of course killfiles had been around for a decade or more.