At 08:17 AM 3/30/01 -0800, you wrote:
At 07:30 PM 3/29/01 -0800, Steve Schear wrote:
At 09:09 PM 3/29/01 -0600, you wrote:
There have been a few discussions on this list of possible means for defeating such systems operating in public places. I recall suggesting a new religion, whose worshipers are encouraged to appear with veils and masks, might make an interesting legal challenge to anti-mask laws in effect.
I've pointed this out before, but many randoms (esp females) wear false hair and facial camo. Add some Jackie-O accoutrements and you've got your 'religious worshippers' (and some *are* religious about wearing this, tithing significant fractions of their income) on the streets already.
The red-light-camera folks don't send a ticket if they can't make out your face (judges demand it); one of their staff commented that they toss out pictures with low baseball caps (etc.) obscuring the faces, but they didn't think people do that *intentionally* to beat traffic cameras. (LA Times story last week or so)
Not to mention placing some 3M privacy screen plastic over the license plate so only those directly behind and about the same elevation can view the characters. steve